Friday, September 27, 2019

code day 4


STEP 1: Put the background 
STEP 2: Add face and fill (color)
STEP 3: Same, put the eye, mouth, tongue => ellipse and dont forget add the (fill) for the colours
STEP 4: StrokeWeight include stroke and line 
STEP 5 : Finally, create some background decoration (fill,ellipse)



Thursday, September 26, 2019

code day 3


Step 1: put the (rect) in bottom
Step 2: create the line (arm)

SNOWMAN line arm
SNOWMAN line (rect, ellipse and line)

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

code day 2


STEP 1: Create circles for faces 
STEP 2: Add the mouth on the face
STEP 3: Next, put the eyes on 2 side for it suitable with the face
STEP 4: And then, create 2 eyes pupils in the eyes
STEP 5: Finally, add the eyebrow left side and right side

drawing circles

ellipse of circle

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

code day 1


STEP 1: Create 3 circles from bottom to top, from large to small ( face and boby of snow man)
STEP 2: Add mouth, eyes and the horn on the face of snowman
STEP 3: Next, make 3 bottom on the body of snowman
STEP 4: Finally, Create for snow man 2 arm and 2 hand (finger) on 2 side





STEP 1: Save the picture
STEP 2: add the dogs photo (citrl + shift + U)
STEP 3: Add new photo is the head of tiger (citrl C)
STEP 4: Put (citrl V) on the dog picture => opacity about 38%
STEP 4: Click on Move tool and (crtrl T) => Fix the size of head tiger for it suitable with dog face
STEP 5: Now, put opacity on 100% back
STEP 6: Filter => Distort => displace=> save it and charge name
STEP 7: Use pain bucket tool => charge white become black
STEP 8: Use brush tool and draw on dog face
STEP 9: Charge black become white again
STEP 10: Put the ear skin same step before, dont foget charge the color
STEP 11: put the body of tiger on the dog body, charge the color too
STEP 12: Done and save it

Thursday, September 12, 2019

photoshop #2 Elephant-Butterfly

PHOTOSHOP #2 Elephant-Butterfly

Download picture Elephant-Butterfly => open PS
Step: 1. On Photoshop, open two different pictures: elephant, and butterfly
Step: 2. Change the size of the picture
Step: 3. Cut the wings of the picture and put it on elephant
Step: 4. change the name of the wings, change it become the left ear and the right ear      
Step: 5. next, change the color for the wings. make for it's look like the color of elephant
Step: 6. add the text of your name on the picture
Step: 7. save it on your file.

photoshop #1 frog crocodile

                 PHOTOSHOP #1 frog crocodile         

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Travel Blog of _This blog talking about Flores, Guatemala it is a island. In my opinion, this is a very detailed blo...