Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Stencyl Day 5

 Stencyl Day 5

                                       This is my Events in games, i did that by the tutorials

the capture of the game, but it's not done 
I add the color and some bamboo tree for decoration, i but 1 blocks for test game

Gif of monkey moving 

I create the block for the monkey can jump on that. And in this time my monkey can moving like ( jump, turn left, turn right and can run...)

i add more stuff for game

next, i create more blocks, more coins, bananas, pineapples,... 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Stencyl Day 4

 Stencyl Day 4

I complete the game, I ate the coins and didn't touch the cat

I went to goal
But, if I touch the cat, what happened..?
- the main character (RED) will die ( back to the original position

Try to touch the cat

Stencyl Day 2+3

 Stencyl Day 2+3

                             GAME CREATION PROCESS                            

I add the sky, its have some cloud, you can download it
next, i create the obstacles for the game, it's will be fun

look at this, the screen first time
this is the screen on the second times, in here it is have obstacles already

this is the character, we can create them
(it have in download of computer)
main character i chose is RED

this is the sound of character, you can download its too

this is the action for the game

this is blocks it helps you create the challenges
you like.

this is the sound for the background 

here is this when I fix the size of the box it will be
don't have too much empty when character touch that, you can fix the size on the top in the right side, fix for its suitable with the cat

this is the Events for this game

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Stencyl Day 1+2

 Stencyl Day 1+2

this is scene(palette), its helps i create the challenges for game more interesting

next, it is the behaviors, this is for create character left and right side

this the screen, i did create the blue sky

this is the properties for you add and charge the color if you want

i did create the main character and some the stuff for main character got it, its like the challenges 

this is the first gif about this game i create

main character can jump

it is jump so high ,and here i success for create this game, it got the challenges


Travel Blog of Breakinglabarrier.com _This blog talking about Flores, Guatemala it is a island. In my opinion, this is a very detailed blo...